2010. december 12., vasárnap

Mária Út - Via Mariae

Horváth Endre gazdaságfejlesztésért felelős helyettes államtitkár hétfői sajtótájékoztatóján elmondta, a világ egyik legjelentősebb turisztikai vásárán, a londoni Word Travel Marketen hazánk a gyógyító Magyarország koncepcióval összhangban, a föld alatti vizek országaként jelent meg.

A kitörést az egészségturizmus mellett a tematikus utak – például a vallásturizmus – jelenthetik; négy ország már meg is egyezett abban, hogy az osztrák, szlovák, magyar és román kulturális turizmus fő ütőereje a Mária-út lesz.

Magyarországon jelenleg 66 százalék azok aránya, akik egy évben egyetlen hetet sem töltenek a lakóhelyükön kívül – ez az arány az unióban 33 százalék körüli, ami jelzi, hogy e téren lépnünk kell. Ebben segít a kormányzat által bevezetni szándékozott, a munkavállalóknak 300 ezer forintig adható Széchenyi-pihenőkártya, amely szélesebb kör számára tenné elérhetővé a turizmust.


Estimating the Multiplier Effects of Tourism Expenditures on a Local Economy

Tourism multipliers indicate the total increase in output, labor earnings, and employment through interindustry linkages in a region as a result of tourism expenditures. The RIMS II regional input-output model was employed to estimate
the multiplier effects of visitor expenditures in Washington, D.C.

Both normal multipliers and ratio multipliers are analyzed, and the latter is found to be a more reliable indicator of total impact on earnings and employment in the city. A comparison of the multipliers for 37 industry sectors and the tourism multiplier in the city finds that the latter ranks relatively high for earnings and employment, but low for output.


Vacation voucher card could be introduced in time for next year's season

Employers could start compensating staff with a vacation voucher card that can be topped up to an annual HUF 300,000 by the start of the season next year, deputy state secretary in charge of tourism and economic development Endre Horvath said at a press conference in Budapest on Monday.

There will be a 1.5pc commission on the card, called the Szechenyi card, enough to cover the operating costs of the system. Recipients of the card would pay 16pc personal income tax on its value.

A government decree on introducing the card had almost been completed, Mr Horvath said. The card could boost demand in the tourism sector by 30-40pc, he added.


HOTREC Budapest

HOTREC, the association for European hotels, restaurants and cafés, held its 61st general assembly in Budapest on 28-29 October. Participants discussed the impacts of the global crisis on the tourism industry and pointed out that in spite of difficulties in some countries, a slow rebound has started, although in size it is far beyond the Asian recovery.

HOTREC welcomed the new European Committee’s initiative to widen the political and organizational conditions of tourism, improve competitiveness, promote the organization of social tourism at European level, improve the coordination of vacation periods, intensify promotion in overseas markets, increase brand building and strengthen pan-European tourism.

Representatives of the European Committee presented the Calypso Program and other initiatives of the EC, while president of the European Travel Commission, Ms. Petra Hedorfer, emphasized the importance of the strengthening of the Europe tourism brand. Mr Endre Horváth, deputy state secretary in charge of tourism, presented the priorities of the Hungarian EU-presidency and the new tasks of the Hungarian tourism administration.


European Tourism Forum

Rapporteur Summary of Proceedings of the
Plenary and Concluding Sessions
19th November 2010

Endre Horvath, Hungary, Ministry for National Economy, Deputy State

Mr. Horwath underlined that the Hungarian government fully supports the
Commissions’ Tourism policy as well as the prioritization of the implementation Plan and that the Hungarian Government will do so by, among other activities, hosting an
EU Tourism Conference in Budapest in May 2011 (12-13) during the Hungarian EUPresidency.

Mr. Horvath pointed to the fact, that Tourism, during these turbulent times, has been
growing despite the financial crisis, which proves that tourism is resilient and one of the areas that the EU must prioritise in the future.

Mr. Horvath also pointed to the need to strengthen tourism research and development
at research institutions and universities in order to ensure the continued growth of the industry. EDEN destinations also merit attention.

Mr Horvath finished his presentation by underlining that there is a need for EU
Tourism Policies and that developing such policies will add value to the European
tourism products.


New tenders being reviewed

Discussions about the tenders of the New Széchenyi Plan’s Healing Hungary chapter are on the way, while the aims and the budgets have yet to be decided, said Endre Horváth, state secretary responsible for tourism. Participants of the conference, which focussed on the health industry, could gain an insight into the new strategy and comments of the trade concerning the preliminary documents. Participants also had the chance to air their opinions about the programme, to be launched on 15 January.

The “Healing Hungary - Health Industry” is the first chapter (with 12 sub-programmes) of the New Széchenyi Plan, defining the break-points of Hungary. This time, instead of infrastructural developments, the focus will be put on the better exploitation of thermal resources and geothermic opportunities. The planned tenders are designed to promote a health-conscious attitude to lifestyle by supporting active tourism. Spiritual health will also be highlighted along with a healthy diet.


Source: HTTH – 29 September 2010

TTRA Europe 2010 Conference Success

The TTRA European Chapter Annual Conference was
held at the Danubius Hotel and brought together a
unique blend of world-class experts in Spa, Wellness
tourism and marketing from researchers, business and
the industry to share their insights into the
relationship between health, wellness and tourism.

The last month’s Conference (originally scheduled for
April 2010) attracted some 120 delegates from around
the world, despite the postponement due to the
volcanic eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland, which
severely hampered European air travel. The Conference
Chair Laszlo Puczko and his team worked very hard to
ensure that the September Conference, by all accounts
was a resounding success.

Keynote speakers included:
Endre Horváth, Deputy Secretary for Tourism, Hungary
Gerry Bodeker, University of Oxford, UK
Roger Allen, Thermarium, Austria
Kevin Turnbull, SpaFiner Europe


Promises to the hoteliers

The New Széchenyi Plan will soon be finalised and the Hotel Association of Hungary was also involved in the negotiations, said Mr Endre Horváth, state secretary responsible for tourism, at the general assembly of the Hotel Association of Hungary, held in Sümeg on 1-2 December.

The tenders will be published on 15 January and will focus on quality developments. Besides hotels, catering facilities will also be eligible to apply for funds in accordance with the aims of the health industry. Altogether HUF 120 billion (appr. 450 million euros) will be allocated for tourism.
The state secretary emphasised: there is interest in the construction of a mega capacity conference hall, for which the government can provide tender funds, if needed. He also promised that the tourism law would be finalised by the end of 2011.
Mr Gergely Horváth, CEO of the Hungarian National Tourist Office, said that the marketing plan is being finalised and will be published for the travel trade on 14 December. A new feature is a booklet for suppliers of next year’s activities, and the HNTO will start working on the 2012 plan earlier than in previous years. Discussions will start in March.
In the future, the costs of the operation and the marketing will be optimised so that the domestic and foreign network, activities and tools will be examined and, where possible, partnerships will be initiated with the aim of concentrating the funds.
Mr Horváth emphasised that Hungary should be matured from product to brand with the use of professional marketing tools, mainly involving online solutions.
