David Kovacs of Budasys presented a proposal for tourism strategy planning. The board agreed they would review and consider the proposal.
Chair Linda Collins called the regular meeting to order with members Tim Green, Wayne
Hurtubise, Chris Martel and Norris Tillotson present. Also present were Laura Ovitt, Alan
Fletcher, Sheila Record, Kim Collins, Eric Collins, Carolyn Smith, Gary Royea, Debra Hebert,
Duane Hebert, Beth O’Brien, Laurie London, Linda Greenwood, Henry Haggerty, Joanne
Daigneault, Tracy Hemond, Joe Pollender, Chuck Pearce, Gillian Marchessault, Lori Fliss, Wendy
Gesser, Kristin Tracy, Jennifer Goff, Ginger Morse, Darlene Gregoire, Trish Muir, Judy Noyes,
Donald Noyes, Doni Longley, Joe Pollender, Joseph Desmarais, Kevin Blaney, Angel Goldsmith,
Sharron Rotunno, Hillary Derby, Harold Foote, Jane Lariviere, John Libbey, and Rowena Brown.
Alan Fletcher explained that funds routinely received from the state for PILOT, Equalization,
Reappraisal Costs, Current Use, and Lister Education are now being distributed through grants
which are all done on-line. Motion made by Linda Collins, seconded by Tim Green, to allow Alan
Fletcher to sign for the grant funds. The motion carried.
Tim Green said some employees may be retiring in the near future, and asked Alan to run some
numbers regarding insurance costs. Alan said he will need to re-enroll employees in the next
few weeks. Alan left the meeting.
Duane Hebert said he would like to reconfigure the area behind the town hall to allow for
better parking. He was advised to work with zoning. Duane and Debra left the meeting.
Motion made by Norris Tillotson, seconded by Chris Martel, to approve the minutes of the
August 17 regular meeting. The motion carried.
David Kovacs of Budasys presented a proposal for tourism strategy planning. The board agreed
they would review and consider the proposal. Mr. Kovacs.
Henry Haggerty spoke for the group of residents attending saying there have been some
preliminary meetings to discuss issues in the downtown. He spoke of a number of positive
achievements, and a number of on-going issues.
Linda Collins reviewed efforts the board has made to address problems. She said the planning
commission is applying for a grant to help improve the municipal housing code ordinance. John
Libbey, Planning Commission Chair, said the commission is holding a special meeting on Sept.
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September 8, 2015
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10 at 7:00 PM to work on the grant application, and invited all interested parties to attend. The
group left the meeting at 8:05 PM.
Motion made by Linda Collins, seconded by Tim Green, to enter executive session at 8:05 PM to
discuss personnel. The motion carried. All guests except Laura and Gary Royea left.
Motion made by Wayne Hurtubise, seconded by Chris Martel, to leave executive session at 8:15
PM. The motion carried. No action was taken as a result of executive session. Gary Royea left
the meeting.
Joseph Desmarais said he has been contacted by the Dept. of Environmental Conservation
saying he needs to apply for a salvage yard permit as a result of a complaint they received.
Laura was directed to contact DEC to find out who filed the complaint. Joseph was directed to
work with the zoning administrator. Joe left the meeting.
Laura presented a Resolution for Municipal Planning Grant. Motion made by Tim Green,
seconded by Wayne Hurtubise, to authorize Linda Collins to sign for the grant, and to appoint
Laura Ovitt as grant administrator. The motion carried.
Wayne Hurtubise reported the culvert on the Golf Course Road has been replaced.
The highway crew is working on sidewalks.
The crew is preparing for paving.
The board discussed an issue on South Main Street that was caused by some excavation that
was done and the fill not being properly compacted after the excavation. The pavement is now
unstable. Wayne will discuss the issue with the foreman.
Chris Martel reported the picnic tables at the playground are being stacked up at night, and
pose a danger of falling on people. The problem will be discussed with NOTCH.
The board discussed the mowing bid for next year.
Tim Green reported the Lions Club is suggesting renaming the gazebo at Davis Park in memory
of Allen McMurphy – the last of the Lions’ charter members.
Tim reported the Cornerstone Community Center has asked permission to store Operation
Happiness donations in the basement of the post office.
Tim reported he is working on bids for fuel oil.
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September 8, 2015
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The flag for Davis Park needs a new rope.
Two trash barrels need to be placed in the Main Street Park.
The new ambulance is due to arrive Thursday, Sept. 10.
Chris Martel reported he is preparing a report on the extra summer sheriff patrols.
Norris Tillotson reported Aldrich & Elliott have submitted a construction permit application for
the Liberty Street water line replacement. A meeting will be arranged with Wayne Elliott.
A meeting has been arranged with Mark Simon for Wed., Sept. 16 at 1 PM.
Radio reads for water meters have been installed at several of the larger water users.
The reservoir recently got too full, and is being drained down today.
The water plant is operating on two filters. These filters will need to have sand replaced next
The sewer plant is nearly ready to start filling the frac tank.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.