2012. március 9., péntek

Seventy-five thousand people to receive holiday opportunities in the scope of the Erzsébet-program


Seventy-five thousand people of large families, pensioners, disabled, and social sector workers receive holiday opportunities, thanks to the four applications of the Erzsébet-program – said Soltész Miklós, Social Secretary of State and Horváth Endre, Trustees president of the Hungarian National Holiday Foundation on Tuesday at a press conference in Budapest.

The winners of the two billion-forint program can rest mainly in Hungarian hotels.

Soltész Miklós also announced that shortly a new one billion HUF worth tender will be launched. To the project named Erzsébet-camp Hungarian schools and schools from the neighboring countrieas can apply. This means that tens of thousands of school pupils can have a holiday for six days beside the Lake Velence and the Lake Balaton.

The Secretary of State has asked the headmasters of schools to prepare for the application appearing in April, because a minimal downpayment will be required. (MTI)